*Allah mghapuskan apa jua yang dikehendakiNya...=)
rakan taulan :)
juz click if u like it..
Isnin, Januari 31, 2011
*Allah mghapuskan apa jua yang dikehendakiNya...=)
Sabtu, Januari 29, 2011
..:::kullu nafsin dzaaiqatul maut:::...
kullu nafsin dzaaiqatul maut..
Khamis, Januari 27, 2011
Selasa, Januari 25, 2011
..noThing to w0Rry..
As stated by Bob Adams in his book entitled "The Everything Time Management Book" (2001): "Don't worry about things that are beyond your control. Let go. Unnecessary worry only creates unnecessary anxiety. He also added: "Constant worry leads to complications in life. Talk it out and make yourself believe that worry will not help anything; it will only harm. The fewer worries you have, the simpler life will seem".
We have to believe that part of turning problems into opportunities is to recognize that in anything that we do, we always have a choice. We can choose to be ungrateful, we can choose to worry, or we can choose to be thoughtful and respond positively in a way that moves us forward. It is up to us.
We do not have to go to Harvard to learn that we should worry less about what others think, say and do.
Sabtu, Januari 22, 2011
Jangan sesekali lari daripada masalah, kerana masalah yang tidak selesai ibarat seperti bayang-bayang yang sentiasa mengekori kita. Lari daripada masalah umpama bersedia untuk menerima masalah yang lagi besar impak daripada masalah yang kita cuba padamkan.
Sentiasalah berprasangka positif dengan setiap masalah yang ditimpakan pada kita. Kerana Allah tidak menurunkan sesuatu masalah tersebut tanpa tujuan kebaikan.