coz i really in love with u, i dont want to lose u... matter what u do, fate is fate...yg mmbezakan kita, how we accept it??hurm...fate doesnt mean DEATH..bcoz other than that, anything is changeable...should i keep hoping evrything is okay? accept fate and move on..don act like a victim that treathens ur future..
here some quote yg aku jmpa...true is it??
FATE-everything hppens for a reason. And when fate happens look for the good in it as it is there.
Accept the things to which fate binds u, and love the people with whom fate brings u together, but do so with all your heart..
p/s: dont judge me by my past, im not in the past anymore...accept who i am today...
seboleh2nya xnk jmpa sspa g dlm kdaan mcm ni...insyALLAH, sy akn cuba..dont worry, sy xkn mgkin lari dri smua tu....believe me....